
Stacey closed her twitter app and opened facebook, she closed that to open tumblr.

She scrolled down to see if she missed something…

No, she had seen it all before.

Stacy threw the Ipad down on the bed in frustration, tears formed in her eyes that she couldn’t explain.

She had one last look and noticed an image she hadn’t  before,

“Who is HappySmilingPeople?”she wondered.

She clicked on the icon and was sucked into the screen.

When she opened her eyes she was flying over fields in a zeppelin somewhere.

She smiled with an exhilaration never known before.


100 or maybe 101 words of flash fiction brought to by the lovely Madison Wood‘s picture prompt for Friday Fictioneers this week:

Join them it’s fun. a nice break from WIP’S that might be frustrating you (okay me) right now. 🙂

*Edited with help from the lovely Lindaura .

June Sunshine Award

I got given the June Sunshine Award today by NMNPHX!

This is something both lovely and hard to comprehend….but I am a firm believer in no takie backsies so it’s mine now and I’m keeping it. Also I have the ability to pass on ten more awards of this sort to ten other bloggers who I think are full of awesome. (I don’t think I can give one back to NMNPHX, but I would if I could because she fits the criteria.) Please visit the blogs I mention at the end of this post plus NMNPHX, you will happy that you did.

The June Sunshine Award  is similar to the Versatile Blogger Award, but better because I have one of these now but I don’t have the other.

If you’ve received this award there are a few little rules you should follow. I’m not saying that if you don’t follow them a large angry bear will knock at your door or anything……but why take that chance right? Also this isn’t a threat people, I don’t even own a bear I’m just saying that’s how the universe works and stuff. Probably.

Here are the rules for the award:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers.
  • Link your nominees to this post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
To start, here are 10 questions and answers about myself.

What is a real fear you have?  Driving and attempting to drive scare the pats off me. It has to do with………..well I’m not really sure what it has to do with but it’s really inconvenient. Also, people screaming “Look out you’re about to hit that car” or “Watch out, there’s a ditch” every time they give you driving lessons does not help. Why would you give someone driving lessons on an actual road with people or ditches anyway? It’s irresponsible. Also, I have horrible side vision.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A writer and then an artist with an actual gallery exhibit.

What are some of your hobbies? Reading, writing, blogging, painting,drawing, sewing felt fairies.

What hobby would you like to start? I’d like to take up kick boxing again- I took a few classes in my twenties and I remember really liking it.

If you could tell people anything, what would be the most important thing to say?

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t forget to find the lesson from them when you do make them.

Name one item from your “bucket list”? Someday I’d like to attend the Glastonbury Music Festival.  Thankfully I crossed off SXSW a few years ago.

What’s the best prank you’ve pulled off?  Nothing, nada- I’m a big goof and end up laughing my head off whenever I’ve tried to prank someone.

What book are you planning to read next? Scott Nicholson’s Creative Spirit. I’m reading Write Good or Die right now and he’s one of the contributors so I’m interested to see what his writing is like.

Coffee or Tea?  Coffee but if I’m stressed or sick I like tea. Mint tea with milk or black tea with lemon.

Lemon Torte or Chocolate Cheesecake?Okay, I’ve never tried either of these but I’m going to go with Lemon Torte because I’m crazy for anything lemon. Chocolate is good too but I like my cheesecake New York style and plain.

My 10 Nominees are:

1. My Write Side

2.Madison Woods

3. Nikki and the Novel

4.Kelly Graham, Artist

5.Twinkle, Twinkle

6.Tracey Fetcher King

7.Bridget Straub Author, Artist, Mom

8.Dayo Benson



It’s almost here..


I spent this week reading a little on the craft of writing and trying to make some sort of outline. That didn’t really happen and I plan to start writing at midnight sooo we’ll see how that goes. 

I at least have a better idea in my head about Goal, Motivation and Conflict.

I mentioned this to my writing group and they probably think I’m a huge nut but I honestly didn’t know what writers meant when they said that they read a lot of craft books to help them write better. I thought, okay that’s neat I guess that crafting helps relieve stress or something?

I now know what they meant. And yeah, I feel a little silly now. 

But you live you learn right?

Happy Writing y’all. 🙂