Camp Nano

I’ve signed up,it’s offical. For some reason I need not only a goal to make time for writing,but a public goal that could lead in humilation if not completed or something.
(I also think I need meaner friends though, because y’all were all way to easy on me when I didn’t complete Nanowrimo.)
I’m completely kidding on that last part,I’m a complete and utter weenie when it comes to meaness directed at myself.
But I still want concrit if it’s helpful,I promise you.
Ugh,that’s horrible- ignore all of that except the starting Camp nano part.
The story is something I thought of while working with my writing group and inspired by pinterest. Consequently  I’ve tried to stay off pinterest until I done more than with this project. The problem with me is not finding ideas to write, it’s the sticking it through and doinv something with the ideas.
Another problem is that I ramble in blog post,sorry.
The story is called Techie war and while I had written a start to that story I never went futher than that and have now decided to write a new beginning.
I’m told it’s a dystopian novel and even though I never knew what that meant before I was told that, I agree.

Several things have happened to make it a different world than we live in now. The first of these is a Hacker Bombing. A group of Hackers caused bombs to go off across the world but mainly in America, there was no real reason for them to do this besides wanting to prove that they could pull it off. There will be a twist concerning this at the end of the story but for now assume it was all ego-inflated Hackers. (I’ve probably said too much.) These bombings caused several groups who were already weary of how technologically reliant the world was becoming to separate from the majority and form their own community. Think Amish but not really religious- there will be religious people in this group, actually several types of religions, but the group itself just wants a return to a more natural lifestyle. They make their own clothing, they live off the land- they’ve formed communities off in parts of England and Ireland somewhere. (I’m calling them Waldorfs for now.)  The Techies are the majority and after the bombings they embraced technology more but with one exception, internet use is now highly controlled, regulated and watched. All media, art and even clothing have to be sanctioned. Most things in Techie world are manufactured and the separating of the two groups has led to Techies snubbing anything natural and instead only using mostly synthetic, manmade objects. The second thing that has happened most recently when this story takes place is a small (very small) uprising of college aged rebels trying to shut down the government’s main computer. This has led to even more regulations and distrust of anyone who has Waldorf sympathies or is artistic or nature loving. (As the techie and Waldorf communities have continued growing there are now grievances between how much land each should be allowed, obviously the Waldorfs want more land to grow their food and lifestock but the techies outnumber them and have begun wanting to take over the land that the Waldorfs own and refuse to sell.

Main Characters:

Diana Greaves- wife of Basil, mother to Cynthia and stepmother to Andrew. She is American and was a well-known artist before the techie wars

Basil Greaves- multi billionaire head of GlobalTech, a technology empire which has grown substantially since the start of the techie wars (Techie wars; name given to what led to the bombings and the separation and disputes between the Waldorfs and the Techies, think cold war- it’s not an actual ongoing battle or anything) He is English, extremely controlling and a little cold but always polite.

Andrew Greaves-Basil’s 13 year son from a former marriage

Cynthia Greaves- Basil and Diana’s 6 year old daughter

Arthur Burke- longtime friend and associate of Basil, good friend of Diana

Tessa Miller-Green- Diana’s mother, a seamstress and artist who works in fabrics

Simon Green- leader of the Waldorf community, Diana’s stepfather

All I truly hope from Camp Nano is to get writing done on a more regular basis and to get this story started, I know what I end up with may be a hot mess but I’m hoping to be able to gleam something from it.

Will you be doing Camp Nano this year?